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Dance CultureHighland Tribal Community
Place of OriginBukidnon Province
Ethnolinguistic GroupTalaandig
ClassificationSocial Dance
Background / Content

Grabbing, Fighting, insulting, pushing , hurting and crying is what pig-agawan is all about, our hero place it cool with 3 maidens who for this occasion, dressed in their finest attire, donning the familiar feather combs and bead accessories covering their hair, neck and breast. Each of the three rotagonist try to attack the man of their heart either showing physical attributes, girating to danceable music and showing a beautifully embroidered scarf.

On which they expect our lover’s sword to be laid. The symbolism of using the scarf and the Kriss may not be known to the Talaandigs but excess message is very clear, Don Juan himself like a flirty butterfly move from maiden to maiden then leaving each either crying or angrily disappointed as he proudly moves away , imagines man’s joy of being fought by several women. On the other hand the three resort to grabbing the man from anothers arms, hitting and pushing the weaker of the three who result to crying, finally one is chosen to the great disappointment of the other two.