Dance | Tagem |
Meaning | Post headhunting dance |
Dance Culture | Lowland Cordillera |
Place of Origin | Quirino , Maria Aurora, Aurora Province |
Ethnolinguistic Group | Ilonggot |
Classification | Festival |
Background / Content | Is the Ilongot’s post headhunring dance which evolves around the heads with several cutted heads which a lover brings home as a gift to the lady of his desire. Music played on the Kuliting Bamboo Guitar by woman provide the accompaniment to the tagem which renders the warriors almost in a trans. Bolo on one hand and narrow shield on another , he tilts his hands upwards eyed following the sun and execute the most strainous body movement typical only to the Ilonggots, the womens cope as well jump to the dance with the men and show equal stress in their outstretched arms and back bends In the Northern highlands of Quirino and Nueva Viscaya provinces are dances that are described as indigenous. The Ilongot or Bungalot groups who posseses these are relatively un- touched by either foreign or other Filipino influence. Loosely speaking, these dances seem to be emotionally oriented. A trait which appears com- mon to the groups living in the Cordillera mountain range is the attention given to agriculture, understandably considering that from the land they till comes their means of survival. Their lives conform to the cycles of the field and this clearly reflected in the llongot tradition. Their need to dance arises from the communal rites to conciliate the gods, to solicit blessings, to seek deliverance from pestilence, or for special needs that mark such diverse events as weddings, births, deaths, and the preparation for war, for victory, or simply to lighten such everyday tasks as planting, harvesting, pounding, or winnowing rice, fishing and the gathering of such things as betel, tobacco, honey or wine. Religion, economics, geography, and social conditions play a big role in the shaping of traditions of the people which in turn are reflected in many aspec ts or tneir lite, particularly in their music and dance. TAGEM is the llongots post-.headhunt dance which evolves around a head or several cut heads which a lover brings home as a gitt of love to the lady of his desire. Music played on the ‘””kuliseng'”” bamboo guitar by women provide the accompaniment to the Tagem which renders the warriors almost in a trance. Bolo on one hand and narrow shield on another, he tilts his hand upward, eyed following the sun and execute the most streneous body movements, typical only to the llongots. The womenfolk as well jump up to dance with the men and show equal stress in their outstretched arms and back bends. |